The Business of Creativity

Houchin Consulting PLLC

Break from the Mold

Posted on | July 13, 2009 | No Comments

Article after article, survey after survey, we keep reading about how most lawyers are stressed, overworked, and dissatisfied with their careers.  Yet, in law school especially, we continue to receive the same career advice—join a law firm, follow ranks, work long hours, subscribe to the traditional way of doing things, and so on.  Fuel the Spark is an introspective guide to helping lawyers break from the mold and find what works for them on a personal level to achieve a satisfying and rewarding career and life.  It is a great guide to blending ethical values with one’s daily life and work to find personal satisfaction and I would highly recommend it to anyone concerned that they are not achieving their maximum potential.

Jackie Bedard


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