The Business of Creativity

Houchin Consulting PLLC

2 New Fuel The Spark CLE Opportunities

Need a Few Last-Minute Ethics Credits? I’ll be doing two full 4-hour versions of my Fuel The Spark: 5 Guiding Values for Success in Law & Life CLE Ethics Programs in the next few weeks. A couple things previous attendees have said: “A Massage for Your Career.” – ABA Annual Meeting Program Participant. “The Best […]

Sounds good, but does it WORK?

With all you have going on, why add more to your plate? Because adding the right thing at the right time can actually make your life less complex. I know it’s a paradox, but it’s true. The challenge is knowing when and what to change.

Hopefully, I can help. I’d like to make at least a part of your life easier.

On Recognizing Your Life’s Purpose.

Today is the first Sunday of Advent. This is the beginning of the season where we of the Western tradition begin to reflect and celebrate the light (wisdom, power, spirit) of the divine being manifested in humans. A few years ago I felt inspired to write an essay on the topic of Advent and Christmas, […]

FTC Compliance: Blogger Disclosure System

As most of you know by now, I’ve been very busy since the new FTC Rules regarding the use of testimonials and endorsements in advertising were released on October 5th. Remember those rules become effective next Tuesday, December 1, 2009. I’ve been doing Webinars, Blogtalkradio shows, phone interviews, magazine interviews (no TV appearances yet, but […]

Big Day, Big Week

It’s a big day and a big week for me. Tonight my friend and marketing partner Joel Comm and I are launching the FTC Toolkit and Site Compliant system tonight on a Webinar (sign up here) to help people become and remain compliant with the new FTC rules and guidelines for use of testimonials and […]

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