The Business of Creativity

Houchin Consulting PLLC

Stillness and the Space Between

In the quiet infinities between thoughts we find inspired ideas.

Testing iphone ap

Just sitting @ Runes jiu jitsu practice & thought I would finally test this iPhone ap. 🙂

Turn the Car Around

I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted some real practical business information.  I’ve been extremely busy on several other fronts as you can see by browsing my recent posts. Today made me sit up and take notice of a particular issue – what I call the “turn the car around” moment. My day […]

She was trapped.

Do you enjoy your work as a lawyer? Do you have the balanced life you were hoping for? Do you get to spend enough time with your family or doing the things that feed your spirit? Do you know that you can pay your bills next month?  How about next year? Have you always wished […]

In case you missed the call…

We had a great call today introducing The Space Between Center for Creative Spirit in Business. Our first initiative is a Mastermind group for lawyers who help entrepreneurs.  If you missed the call, you can get the replay link here. REPLAY LINK

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