The Business of Creativity

Houchin Consulting PLLC

A little story about copyright registration.

Posted on | June 8, 2010 | 6 Comments


6 Responses to “A little story about copyright registration.”

  1. Tweets that mention A little story about copyright registration. : The Business of Creativity --
    June 8th, 2010 @ 11:33 am

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kevin Houchin, Scott Balster. Scott Balster said: RT @kevinhouchin: New blog post: A little story about copyright registration. […]

  2. Michael Haskins
    June 10th, 2010 @ 8:48 am

    This is a great blog entry. (anyway you could post transcripts of your video blogs as well?)

    I have been approached by several people recently who are contemplating option contracts for original works and letters of inquiry to published works. As a rule of thumb, the first question that I have is if the work has been registered and if not we get it registered. According to the website, the application process takes about 9 months. 9 months is an eternity with electronic distribution.

    Finally the question, does the existence of a copyright registration application (even if it’s not accepted) allow someone to take advantage of the statutory advantages of a registered copyright? Or, when in the application process does the work become protected by the registered copyright?


  3. Kevin Houchin
    June 13th, 2010 @ 8:55 pm

    Once your application goes through, it is good as of the date of filing. So, the default is to file the application and get it rolling.

  4. Kevin Houchin
    June 13th, 2010 @ 8:56 pm

    Oh, and I’m probably NOT as a rule going to post a transcript. 🙂 Part of the goal of doing the video is to speed things up. But I will be working with some folks on some of my video blogs to include transcripts. So, stay tuned.

  5. Ryan
    July 12th, 2010 @ 11:01 am

    Thanks for the tip!

    I have a question: When you register copyright, is the full work available publicly (your hot new manuscript) or just the registration information (name, number, date, etc.)?

  6. Kevin Houchin
    July 12th, 2010 @ 11:06 am

    You have to submit the entire manuscript, but when someone does the search, they only see the name and registration information – they can’t just download the manuscript. So, don’t worry about someone scooping you – get the registration filed. Additionally, even if the COULD get the file, you’d be protected if they copied it. That’s the whole point. Smart sharing.

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