TM & Copyright for Creative People – Free Webinar
I’ve been asked a few times over the last few days to repost the links to the copyright and trademark webinars I did for Morgan James Publishing back in January. These programs are tailored to the needs of authors, but the concpets and laws are the same for anyone in creative business. Here are the […]
Slides from yesterday’s Webinar
The slides and audio from yesterday’s webinar are posted at the same location online that was used yesterday for the webinar. Check yesterday’s post and click the link to the webinar to get the files or listen to the audio.
TM Law for Authors (and other creative people)
Date: January 20th, 3pm Eastern Title: Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurial Authors Subtitle: Part 1: Trademark and Branding Entrepreneurial Authors face a very unique set of branding challenges. Branding yourself and your products is tricky enough, but when it comes time to protect that investment of time, money, and emotion authors can be surprised to […]
reform now!
If there was ever any question that we need reform in the legal industry and within the legal education industry – this is it: A law school professor is suing saying that student notes violate his copyright. Maybe he need to talk to one of the copyright professors about the fair use statute… There’s […]
Copyright for Authors and Speakers
Most of you know that your work is covered under the US Federal Copyright laws the instant your ideas become tangible. That’s wonderful news, but it sometimes leads to a false sense of security for creative people. The problem is that if someone uses your material without permission, you might have a righteous beef legally, […]
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