Great Web Site
I happened along this Web site today. Wonderful FREE content to help get you off your butt and taking control of your life, career, and attitute!
Copyright Teleseminar Postponed Until January
The copyright for visual artists teleseminar that I’m giving in coordination with Alyson Stanfield ( is being rescheduled from tomorrow night and next Wednesday to Tuesday, January 23 and Tuesday, January 30th. I appologize if this causes any inconvenience.
Legal Assistant Wanted
Legal Assistant Wanted My practice is growing and I’m looking for a legal assistant, preferably one that has worked in a small law office before and would be able to help me: 1. Keep and maintain client files. 2. Maintain the office calendar and list of projects. 3. Light bookkeeping – coordination with my current […]
Eric’s campaign gaining momentum
Heading into the final stretch of the campaign for the Colorado 4th District Congressional seat, Eric Eidsness’s campaign is really starting to gain some momentum. Endorsements have been rolling in from newspapers around the district including those in Fort Morgan (the incumbent’s hometown), Fort Collins, and Greeley. I believe Eric is the most qualified person […]
Eric Eidsness for Congress: Update
It’s no secret I’ve been supporting Eric’s run for Colorado’s 4th District Congressional seat from very early in the campaign. I helped produce the campaign web site: The cool thing to update is that his campaign is really gaining momentum here in the “stretch.” Last night he really staked his claim as the best […]
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