I love creative clients.
I’ve been doing a lot of writing for other blogs lately, so my posting here has dropped off a bunch, and I want to do something to change that. What is that something? Get up early and write more. I had a meeting with a new client yesterday. This man retired after 20 years in […]
How to Create a Highly Profitable Practice In Your Authentic Niche
Secrets of Creative Business Leadership
FREE Call Details:
June 29th – 9PM EASTERN
Conference room ID is: 191630#
The No-Plan Plan
I decided to go into this year without a plan—goals yes, plan no. We’re a few months in, so it’s time to take a look at how this is working out. There have been some major accomplishments including: 1. Completing the manuscript for my next book: The Secrets of Creative Leadership. I’ve been working on […]
Here’s the video from my Ignite Fort Collins #7 talk. It comes down to this: Wisdom is only found when we share a combined experience with a mutually understood language. Those languages can be in any form, written, spoken, symbolic, etc. Engage the experience. Learn the language. Share the Wisdom. Take a look a the […]
Thoughts on Planning, Principles & Goals
I have a habit of living in the future. I make big plans. I break those big plans into big goals with realistic deadlines, then into smaller goals with even more realistic deadlines. Most of the time I reach my goals. But, I’ve rarely felt fulfilled by those achievements. Being a rational, over-achieving, lawyer – […]
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