The Business of Creativity

Houchin Consulting PLLC

An Idea Worth Sharing

As many of you know, I’m a big fan of TED talks.  I’m also a big fan of Dan Pink’s Book A Whole New Mind. For those of you who don’t like to read much… (well, first, start reading more), but in the mean time.  Watch this:

“New” Family

Yesterday I had the distinct pleasure to meet my maternal grandmother for the first time. I’m adopted and found my birth mother a couple years ago but had not yet met others in the family in person. One of my Aunts was flying back from Hawaii (where I now have 5 aunts and uncles living […]

Personal purpose statement:

“My purpose is to help as many people as I can reach as much of THEIR potential as THEY can.”

Rune’s Journal

My son Rune will turn 6 in January.  Earlier this year he took an interest in the journals that Abra and I normally keep. He kept wanting to write in mine, which is OK every once in a while, but it seemed the right time to get him his own “special book.”  He’s really taken […]

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