The Business of Creativity

Houchin Consulting PLLC

“New” Family

Posted on | May 1, 2009 | 1 Comment

Yesterday I had the distinct pleasure to meet my maternal grandmother for the first time. I’m adopted and found my birth mother a couple years ago but had not yet met others in the family in person. One of my Aunts was flying back from Hawaii (where I now have 5 aunts and uncles living – very cool) with Grandma Irene and took a few extra days to spend some time in Colorado.  We had a great afternoon/evening yesterday and will be spending the bulk of today together in Fort Collins this afternoon and evening.  Including attending my daughter Tobin’s dance recital this evening.

Here are a couple pictures from last night.


Kevin Houchin & Irene Bosz - April 30, 2009

Kevin Houchin & Irene Bosz - April 30, 2009



Tobin (mine), Aunt Barb, Kevin Houchin, Grandma Irene, Cousin Chris

Tobin (mine), Aunt Barb, Kevin Houchin, Grandma Irene, Cousin Chris




One Response to ““New” Family”

  1. irene
    March 18th, 2010 @ 1:45 am

    wish i saw the pictures befor they disapeard, just like my memory. love you

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