Brand Protection Council Membership
I want to tell you about BPCouncil ( a great new international organization I have recently joined and highly recommend that you check out. They have already provided great value to me both directly and through referrals. BPCouncil is a dynamic international virtual community of brand protection and IP professionals. You can connect with brand […]
Protecting your IP in Joel Comm’s TopOne Report
I’m happy to be a guest author in Joel Comm’s TopOne Report on the topic of Innovation this month. Here’s a copy of my article (PDF) – it’s a very brief primer on intellectual property for your innovative ventures. You can also click through to Joel’s site and sign up for a free month of […] LAUNCH!
We just launched the new Site: Check it out. Register online for the upcoming workshops, review some of the latest thinking, and give a glance to how we plan to bring legal services under the same roof with marketing services – especially if you’re planning the launch of a new company, product, or service.
I have several ebooks I would like to publish. I’m stating this in the blog so that any of you out there can help hold me to the pledge. Here are the working titles: Branding & The Law: Naming Your New Company, Product, or Service. Launching your Creative Business Marketing & Intellectual Property Copyright for […]
start-up fundamentals
Start-up fundamentals Business law, intellectual property, brand development, and corporate communications have a very complex interrelationship. Working with Houchin Law and Wooden Pencil simplifies these relationships by combining legal and branding expertise in the same team. One point of contact, two integrated consulting firms. Let us help you reach your creative business goals through: Business […]
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